Coral reef fish diversity of Kg Tekek, Pulau Tioman Marine Park
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A random dive survey of coral reef fish of Kg. Tekek, Pulau Tioman Marine Park was conducted to look at the diversity of coral reef fish in the area. The survey was conducted at various depths from the deepest, part after coral slope to the shallowest part, near the shoreline. Night dive was also conducted to look at the nocturnal species. A total of 191 species of coral reef fish from 41 families were observed at the study area. Pomacentridae (damselfish) is the most dominant family with the highest number of species (39 species), followed by Labridae (wrasse) with 28 species. Gobiidae is the third largest family found in the area, with 16 species. Other major families that have high species numbers in the area are Serranidae (groupers), Apogonidae (cardinalfish) and Scaridae (parrotfish). One of the major absentees from the area is family Chaetodontidae (butterflyfish), with only 4 species observed. The number of species observed during the study is higher when compared to the other sites from previous study that was conducted at Pulau Tioman Marine Park.
Proceedings of Second Regional Symposium on Environment and Natural Resources, Vol:2. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi [open access]