Aquaculture Business Development through Local Service Provider (LSP) in Cox’s Bazar
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Aquaculture market challenges in Cox’s Bazar district include lack of access to information of improved aquaculture business including nutrition sensitive aquaculture, forward markets, and lack of access to required capital from formal financial institutions to grow and maintain growth of their aquaculture business. For this reason, Prottyashi started Aquaculture Business Development through Local Service Providers with the technical support of WorldFish Bangladesh and funded by USAID Feed the Future BANA Project USAID Project. Main objectives were income generation, reduce nutrition deficiency through homestead aquaculture, nutrition, hygiene issues, aquaculture business development, access to the finances and identify the systemic constraints that must be addressed for the sustainability of the aquaculture business through LSPs.
S. M Nurun Nabi. (31/8/2023). Aquaculture Business Development through Local Service Provider (LSP) in Cox’s Bazar.
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