Assessing adaptation options for climate change: A guide for coastal communities in the Coral Triangle of the Pacific. 3. Impact and adaptation assessment workshop
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This brochure is part of a series that collectively detail how a community-based assessment of climate change was used in partnership with coastal communities and provincial and national-level stakeholders in Timor-Leste and Solomon Islands. The assessment contains four distinct, but related, steps focused on supporting community-level decision-making for adaptation through a series of participatory action research activities. Each brochure in this series details a specific activity in the four-step assessment. This series of eight brochures is primarily aimed for use where resources are limited or where it is more appropriate to use a rapid, qualitative and non-data intensive method of assessment. Community leaders, local NGOs and regional and national-level government representatives in developing countries may find this series useful. In this brochure we provide details of an activity relating to the ‘Identifying options’ step of the assessment, namely a two-day impact and adaptation assessment workshop. This activity was conducted with fishers and farmers to consider the importance of climate change to their livelihoods.
Asian Development Bank; Global Environment Facility
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Asian Development Bank