Centre for Renewable Energy in Aquaculture (CeREA): Unlocking the potential applications of climate-smart energy in Egypt

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The primary goal of the proposed project is to refine, test and scale innovative renewable energy solutions that enable 5000 fish producers, processors and other fish value chain actors in Egypt to increase their productivity and incomes. This will to improved food and nutrition security, reduced food waste and loss, and more energy-efficient and climate-smart food value chains. The intervention logic posits that deploying appropriate renewable energytechnologies for aquaculture will support both the economic growth and protein needs of Egypt’s rapidly expanding population. However, this must be done alongside effective capacity building and planning in order to scale growth in the country’s aquaculture sector in a sustainable, climate-friendly and inclusive manner.


Nasr-Allah AM, Fathi ME and Mosbah M. 2023. Centre for Renewable Energy in Aquaculture (CeREA): Unlocking the potential applications of climate-smart energy in Egypt. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Fact Sheet: 2023-43.


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Author(s) ORCID(s)

Ahmed Mohamed Nasr-Allah  

Date available




WorldFish (WF)



Contributes to SDGs

SDG 5 - Gender equalitySDG 8 - Decent work and economic growthSDG 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructureSDG 12 - Responsible consumption and productionSDG 13 - Climate action