Annual FASA monitoring survey: Baseline characterization of the practices and use of fish feed ingredients among fish farmers and ingredient processors in Nigeria

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This report presents key findings from a comprehensive study conducted among fish farmers and feed ingredient processors to establish a baseline for the Development and Scaling of Sustainable Feeds for Resilient Aquatic Food Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa (FASA) project in Nigeria. The research surveyed 580 small-scale fish farmers and 122 small-scale fish feed ingredient processors. The former were selected through a multistage sampling technique and the latter through snowball sampling. Two tailored questionnaires—one for grow-out fish farmers and the other for feed ingredient processors—were deployed using KoBoToolbox for computer-assisted personal interviews (CAPIs) on mobile tablets by 20 trained enumerators in April and May 2024.


Manyise T, Siriwardena S, Olaniyi A, Obetta C, Fregene B, Nurulhuda AF, Yossa R and Rossignoli C. 2024. Annual FASA monitoring survey: Baseline characterization of the practices and use of fish feed ingredients among fish farmers and ingredient processors in Nigeria. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Technical report: 2024-54.


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WorldFish (WF)



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