Planning a nutrition-sensitive approach to aquatic agricultural systems research in Solomon Islands

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Aquatic agricultural systems are places where fishing and farming in freshwater and/or coastal systems contribute significantly to household nutrition, food security and income. In Solomon Islands, where aquatic agricultural systems form the foundation of the rural economy, 80% of the population are rural, subsistence-oriented, smallholder farmers and fishers. Communities dependent on these aquatic agricultural systems face major challenges from rising population and declining quality and availability of marine and land resources. Fish are increasingly difficult to catch and expensive to purchase as the gap between production of and demand for coastal marine resources continues to widen. WorldFish, through the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) has engaged in research in development in Solomon Islands to address the challenges faced in these systems, with the goal of improving the well-being of the people who depend upon them. This brief describes the background to, the rationale for and the initial steps towards implementing a nutrition-sensitive approach to agricultural and fisheries research in development in the Solomon Islands context.


Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems Program Brief: AAS-2015-15


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