GIZ_Inland Myanmar sustainable aquaculture programme (INLAND MYSAP)_First progress report April 2017 - Dec 2017
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This progress report covers the period April 2017 to December 2017. The Multiannual Indicative Programme (2014-2020) identifies that approximately one third of children in Myanmar suffer chronic undernutrition (stunting), the nationwide prevalence of moderately underweight children is 32% and the average proportion of total household expenditure on food is 68%. Fish provides more than 70% of animal protein, with average consumption levels estimated to be from 20 to over 40 kg per person per year. However compared to other neighbouring countries aquaculture only provides a small proportion of the total fish consumed because of localised production, relatively high prices, difficult logistics and high post-harvest handling losses. Seasonality, poor infrastructure (transport and electricity) and lack of post-harvest technology, mean that a large part of the fish are consumed are also dried or as fish paste with a significant loss of nutritional value compared to fresh or frozen fish.
GIZ_Inland Myanmar sustainable aquaculture programme (INLAND MYSAP)_First progress report April 2017 - Dec 2017