COVID-19 impacts and adaptation in aquatic food supply chains in Andhra Pradesh - One year into the pandemic

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In 2020, we conducted a bi-weekly phone survey with 137 fish supply chain actors in Andhra Pradesh, India, to assess the impact of COVID-19 on the availability and price of aquatic foods and production inputs. In 2021, we conducted a follow-up survey and re-surveyed 114 participants regarding their activity between the months of March and May. Attrition was due to the inability to contact some respondents by phone and some respondents being unwilling to participate in the second interview. The sample comprised of the following: feed mills (1), feed sellers (pellet) (10), feed sellers (non-pellet) (5), fish hatcheries (10), fish farmers (48), fishers (18), traders (16), and retailers (7). The first case of COVID-19 in Andhra Pradesh was confirmed in March 2020. In response, the government announced a state-wide lockdown in March. COVID-19 cases in Andhra Pradesh peaked in August 2020 and April 2021 (Dong et al 2020). Our methodology allowed for a comparison between activities at the beginning of the pandemic and after one year, in order to examine adaptations and impacts of the pandemic after the first year.


Bianca Haas, A. B. C Mohan, Ravi Babu, Saadiah Ghazali, Goutam Dhar, Alexandra Pounds. 2021. COVID-19 impacts and adaptation in aquatic food supply chains in AndhraPradesh – One year into the pandemic. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish.


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Saadiah binti Ghazali  

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WorldFish (WF)

