Impacts of COVID-19 on aquatic food supply chains in Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Myanmar, Nigeria and Timor-Leste, February-April 2020

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To assess the evolving impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, we conducted a multi-country survey of fish supply chain actors in Bangladesh, India (Andhra-Pradesh, Assam and Odisha), Myanmar, Nigeria, Egypt and Timor-Leste (TL), to evaluate the availability and price of aquatic foods and production inputs. The sample included hatcheries (n=78), feed mills (n=26), non-pelleted feed sellers (n=31), pelleted feed sellers (n=64), farmers (n=233) processors (n=39), traders (n=85), retailers (n=78) and fishers (n=131). February trends were compared to March and April trends when COVID-19 measures were instated in the surveyed countries. The complete summary of survey results can be accessed here.


Rosen, L. (2020). Impacts of COVID-19 on aquactic food supply chains in Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Myanmar, Nigeria and Timor-Leste, February-April. 2020. Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems. Program Report.


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