SAVE_SUCHANA: Ending the Cycle of Under-nutrition in Bangladesh. Quarterly Progress Report February to March 2016

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Finalized Technical strategies: we have finalized the technical strategies for Fisheries and Horticulture for increased production, consumption and income from household & communal resources by the Suchana BHH. The living document has been shared with DFID, consortium partners and incorporated some of the comments. (Attached: WorldFish technical strategies) Rapid Fisheries and Horticulture Assessment: WorldFish Suchana field team collected all information from each union using PRA (KII and FGD) tools. Data entry completed, writing report on going. Formative Research: Both the quantitative and qualitative methods have been used for the study. During the reporting period all the primary data have been collected from the field. Draft preliminary findings presented among consortium partners. Currently detailed analysis is going on. It is expected that a final presentation will be in last week (25 th) of April, and details report will be available in 1 st week of May 2016. Capacity building for Field Facilitators: Under the signed agreement three IP (CNRS, FIVDB and RDRS) have recruited 12 Field Facilitators for grass root level organizing of fisheries and horticulture activities during learning phase. WorldFish team in collaboration with consortium partners organized a 6 day long training of trainers (ToT) course for them on fisheries and horticulture technologies, varieties, basic extension methodology including cross-cutting issues nutrition awareness, gender and market based approach. (Attached: ToT completion report) Reviewed and finalized 05 Participatory Adaptive research Trial (PART) proposal in order to fine tuning and development of appropriate fisheries and horticulture technologies suitable to the context of Suchana BHH of Sylhet and Moulvibazar district. WorldFish horticulture team closely worked with HKi horticulture team for developing technical guideline of horticulture crop calendar, varieties and practices suitable for Suchana BHH. Joint meeting with HKi gender team and iDE team for building shared understanding of gender and market based approach. WorldFish field based technical staffs and Field Facilitators have been closely working with other partner’s staffs in beneficiary’s house hold selection/registration in order to expedite the process.


Ashoke Sarker, MD. Abdul Baten. (10/4/2016). SAVE_SUCHANA: Ending the Cycle of Under-nutrition in Bangladesh. Quarterly Progress Report February to March 2016.


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