The vital roles of blue foods in the global food system

cg.contribution.worldfishauthorAllison, E.en_US
cg.contribution.worldfishauthorPhillips, M.J.en_US
cg.contribution.worldfishauthorThilsted, S.H.en_US
cg.contributor.affiliationBioversity Internationalen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationInternational Food Policy Research Instituteen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationWageningen University & Research Centreen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationMichigan State Universityen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationHarvard T. H. Chan School of Public Healthen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationDuke Universityen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationStockholm Resilience Centreen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationThe University of British Columbiaen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationShanghai Jiao Tong Universityen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationUniversity of Stirlingen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationLancaster University, Lancaster Environment Centreen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationUniversity of British Columbia, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheriesen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationStanford University, Center for Ocean Solutionsen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationUniversity of California-Santa Barbara, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesisen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationJohns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethicsen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationPontifical Catholic University of Valparaisoen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationBeijer Institute of Ecological Economicsen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationStanford University, Hopkins Marine Stationen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationUniversity of California-Santa Barbara, Bren School of Environmental Science and Managementen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationStanford University, Woods Institute for the Environment, Center on Food Security and the Environmenten_US
cg.contributor.affiliationAmerican Universityen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationThe Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Global Economic Dynamics and the Biosphereen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationBlue Food Assessmenten_US
cg.contributor.affiliationUniversity of British Columbia, School of Public Policy and Global Affairsen_US
cg.contributor.funderOAK Foundationen_US
cg.contributor.funderWalton Family Foundationen_US
cg.contributor.funderBlue Food Assessmenten_US
cg.contributor.funderMAVA Foundationen_US
cg.contributor.initiativeAquatic Foodsen_US
cg.creator.idFabrice DeClerck: 0000-0002-3631-8745en_US
cg.creator.idMichael John Phillips: 0000-0002-0282-0286en_US
cg.creator.idShakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted: 0000-0002-4041-1651en_US
cg.description.themeMarket and Value Chainsen_US
cg.identifier.ISIindexedISI indexeden_US
cg.identifier.statusOpen accessen_US
cg.subject.actionAreaResilient Agrifood Systemsen_US
cg.subject.agrovocaquatic foodsen_US
dc.creatorTigchelaar, M.en_US
dc.creatorLeape, J.en_US
dc.creatorMicheli, F.en_US
dc.creatorAllison, E.en_US
dc.creatorBasurto, X.en_US
dc.creatorBennett, A.en_US
dc.creatorBush, S.R.en_US
dc.creatorCao, L.en_US
dc.creatorCheung, W.W.en_US
dc.creatorCrona, B.en_US
dc.creatorDeClerck, F.en_US
dc.creatorFanzo, J.en_US
dc.creatorGelcich, S.en_US
dc.creatorGephart, J.en_US
dc.creatorGolden, C.D.en_US
dc.creatorHalpern, B.S.en_US
dc.creatorHicks, C.en_US
dc.creatorJonell, M.en_US
dc.creatorKishore, A.en_US
dc.creatorKoehn, Z.en_US
dc.creatorLittle, D.en_US
dc.creatorNaylor, R.L.en_US
dc.creatorPhillips, M.J.en_US
dc.creatorSelig, E.R.en_US
dc.creatorShort, R.en_US
dc.creatorSumaila, U.en_US
dc.creatorThilsted, S.H.en_US
dc.creatorTroell, M.en_US
dc.creatorWabnitz, C.C.en_US
dc.description.abstractBlue foods play a central role in food and nutrition security for billions of people and are a cornerstone of the livelihoods, economies, and cultures of many coastal and riparian communities. Blue foods are extraordinarily diverse, are often rich in essential micronutrients and fatty acids, and can often be produced in ways that are more environmentally sustainable than terrestrial animal-source foods. Capture fisheries constitute the largest wild-food resource for human extraction that would be challenging to replace. Yet, despite their unique value, blue foods have often been left out of food system analyses, policies, and investments. Here, we focus on three imperatives for realizing the potential of blue foods: (1) Bring blue foods into the heart of food system decision-making; (2) Protect and develop the potential of blue foods to help end malnutrition; and (3) Support the central role of small-scale actors in fisheries and aquaculture. Recognition of the importance of blue foods for food and nutrition security constitutes a critical justification to preserve the integrity and diversity of aquatic species and ecosystems.en_US
dc.identifier.citationMichelle Tigchelaar, Jim Leape, Fiorenza Micheli, Edward (Eddie) Allison, Xavier Basurto, Abigail Bennett, Simon Bush, Ling Cao, William Cheung, Beatrice Crona, Fabrice DeClerck, Jessica Fanzo, Stefan Gelcich, Jessica Gephart, Christopher Golden, Benjamin Halpern, Christina Hicks, Malin Jonell, Avinash Kishore, Zachary Koehn, David Little, Rosamond Naylor, Michael Phillips, Elizabeth Selig, Rebecca Short, Ussif Rashid Sumaila, Shakuntala Thilsted, Max Troell, Colette Wabnitz. (1/6/2022). The vital roles of blue foods in the global food system. Global Food Security, 33.en_US
dc.publisherElsevier (12 months)en_US
dc.sourceGlobal Food Security;33,(2022)en_US
dc.subjectenvironmental sustainabilityen_US
dc.subjectblue foodsen_US
dc.subjectfood system governanceen_US
dc.subjectsmall-scale actorsen_US
dc.titleThe vital roles of blue foods in the global food systemen_US
dc.typeJournal Articleen_US


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