SAVE_SUCHANA: Ending the Cycle of Under-nutrition in Bangladesh_Learning Phase Narrative Quarterly Report_October to December 2016
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To minimize the shocks especially due to flood, flash flood and excessive raining in monsoon, three adaptive trials are going on to develop appropriate fisheries and horticulture technologies. Based on project plan, out of 14,714 targeted beneficiary households from the learning phase unions, 6,865 (46.7%) households those have access to pond were identified for Fish and Horticulture related interventions. Out of 6,865 households, 6,610 households have received different kinds of critical inputs like fish fingerlings, training, coaching and related technical supports for producing fish, vegetables and fruits. It is expected that these supports have been significantly contributing to increase the production and consumption of diversified nutritious foods especially fish and vegetables. During the reporting period, more than 5,000 beneficiary households have received some kinds of inputs, training, coaching and technical follow-ups.
In collaboration of implementing partners, WorldFish have provided 2 day long technical training on improved fish culture and horticulture technologies for beneficiary households. During the reporting period, 2,012 households have received training on improved production technologies of fish and horticulture. All together 5,211 BHHs have received 2 day training during the overall intervention period. Besides the 2 day training, 4,535 participants have also received one day hands on practical coaching sessions on fish and horticulture issues. Out of 4,535 participants, at least 1,541 participants (34%) were men; especially they were invited to sensitise the gender issues.
Besides the training, coaching and technical follow-ups, WorldFish has provided critical inputs like lime, five (5) species of quality fish fingerlings and fish feed to the beneficiary households. During the reporting period, 1,280 beneficiary households have received 7,032 kilograms of lime based on the water areas of the individual ponds; in total 5,114 BHHs have received 24,281 kilograms of lime during the overall intervention period since July to December 2016. They have used the lime in the targeted ponds to improve the water quality in the ponds.
During the reporting period, a total 2,933 beneficiary households have received 623,720 pieces of fingerlings from 5 species, and the species were Tilapia (GIFT), Rui, Catla, Mrigel, Silver carp/ Big head. Overall 5,109 BHHs have received 1,037,419 numbers of fish fingerlings during overall intervention period. Total 4,280 BHHs have also received 36,728 kilograms of fish feed for culturing fish at their ponds.
During the reporting period, 2,705 households have received 17,918 packets of vegetable seeds with 5 varieties of vegetable seeds. Overall 6,610 households have received 37,443 packets of vegetable seeds over the intervention period. Besides the vegetable seeds, 5,083 households have also received 360,710 vines of improved varieties of OSP (Orange Sweet Potatoes) rich in vitamin A (carotenes). During the reporting period, 489 households have received 489 moringa saplings and overall 569 households have received moringa sampling or cuttings. Overall 103 demonstrations farm have been established and out them 77 demonstration farms have been started in the reporting period. Lack of quality fish seeds is one of the major challenges for promoting fish culture in Sylhet. Based on primary findings out of 9 hatcheries in the region, only 3 are performing well. Other 3 have good infrastructure, financial capabilities and market potentialities but their technical capability are very poor. So these 3 hatcheries have been targeted to develop their technical capabilities towards producing high quality fish seeds in coming season. Accordingly quality brood management training completed during the reporting period that will be helpful to ensure quality fish seed, and well capable technicians will be developed within next 6 months. A well-experienced Hatchery Specialist is working with them. Besides the individual communication and technical sharing, four batches of formal trainings have been organized for 52 fish nursery operators and 50 fish fingerling retailers (Patilwalas) during the reporting period. It will be strengthened supply of quality fish fingerlings in coming fish seasons.
WorldFish, Jan 2017. ‘DFID_SUCHANA: Ending the Cycle of Under-nutrition in Bangladesh_Learning Phase Narrative Quarterly Report_October to December 2016’. Bangladesh: WorldFish. Donor Report.
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MD. Abdul Baten