SAVE_SUCHANA: Ending the Cycle of Under-nutrition in Bangladesh_Learning Phase Narrative Quarterly Report_July to Sept 2016

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Most of the fishers have been registered as Suchana BHHs those are completely dependent upon fishing for owner of the public/private open water bodies as paid fisher. They have no other alternative livelihoods. But, most of the fishers have no access to public water body most influential persons took lease from government and fishers group are not solvent to take lease private water bodies. Considering the situations, WorldFish will assist them to take lease private water body because it is easier to take lease and manage for poor fishers. During the reporting period, 11 BHHs have been selected for open water fisheries management. They already negotiated with the private beel owner for the 2 years of tenure for one beel and ditch in the beel. About 60% of the Suchana working areas are inundated during flood season then all ponds go under water and only raised house remain above water level. During this period, income for very poor households have been constrained due to restricted mobility and limited resources. In order to minimize the shocks of BHHs through increased fish and vegetables production, three adaptive trials to develop appropriate fisheries and horticulture technologies have been in the process of implementation. In this regard, a total of 84 Suchana BHHs have been selected. The following technologies continued for fine tuning based on agro-ecological context of Suchana BHHs in Sylhet and Moulvibazar district. • Fish production in small flooded homestead ponds by poor households of NE Bangladesh using eco-friendly approach for increase production, consumption and income. 28 BHHs were engaged in this trial. • Development of low cost cage aquaculture using suitable fish species and feed by poor household in Sylhet and Moulvibazar district. 32 cages established among 23 BHHs. • Fine tuning the technology of soil based smart vertical gardening in fool affected areas in Sylhet and Moulvibazar district. 18 BHHs were engaged in this trial. The above 3 adaptive trials are going on the result of these three trials are very encouraging. All the trials will be completed by January 2017. BHHs started consuming as well as harvesting from the adaptive trial on Vertical gardening. During the reporting period, a total 3,183 BHHs have been trained on improved fish culture & Horticulture production technologies. Besides the training, WorldFish provided critical inputs especially lime and five (5) species of quality fish fingerlings to the beneficiary households. During the reporting period 3,834 beneficiary households have received 17,249 kilograms of lime based on the water areas in their ponds. A total 2,176 beneficiary households have received 413,699 pieces of fingerlings from 5 species, and the species were Tilapia (GIFT), Rui, Catla, Mrigel, Silver carp. Dering the reporting period, 3,905 households have received 19,525 packets of vegetable seeds with 5 varieties and 4367 BHHs received 13101 numbers of 3 varieties of fruits sampling for their horticulture gardening using available spaces at the ponds dykes, homestead and nearby areas. As per plan, during the reporting period 26 Demonstrations have been established in two districts. During the reporting period a 3 day long ToT has been conducted on nutrition sensitive aquaculture and horticulture for assistant fisheries officer (AFO) and Field assistant (FA) of Department of fisheries (DoF). Total 23 staffs participated in the course. These trained staffs are conducting sessions of BHHs training.


WorldFish, Oct 2016. ‘DFID_SUCHANA: Ending the Cycle of Under-nutrition in Bangladesh_Learning Phase Narrative Quarterly Report_July to Sept 2016’. Bangladesh: WorldFish. Donor Report.


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