Now showing items 1121-1140 of 5630

    • Pond Polyculture: Disrupting gender and cultural norms in Luwingu, Northern Province, Zambia 

      O'Leary, M.; Wismen, B. (2021)
      Type: Blog
      Pond polyculture is one of the methodologies employed through the nutrition-sensitive fish agri-food systems approach as means to improve food and nutrition security and livelihoods in vulnerable communities. The ‘Managing ...
    • Aquatic food cookbook promotes traditional recipes for health 

      Huso, D.; Doina Huso: 0000-0002-4477-2593
      Type: Video
      WorldFish research analyst and Timor-Leste native, Agustinha Duarte, recently published a new book 'Cooking Fish and Seafood in Timor-Leste,' which has a collection of seafood recipes from Timor-Leste, each introduced by ...
    • Press Release: Timor-Leste’s 2nd public-private-partnership tilapia hatchery opens in Lautem 

      O'Leary, M.; Huso, D.; Doina Huso: 0000-0002-4477-2593 (2021)
      Type: News Item/Press Item
      The second public-private partnership (PPP) Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT) hatchery has opened in Parlamento, Lautem, providing a significant boost to Timor-Leste’s emerging aquaculture sector and bolstering ...
    • In the Spotlight: Anouk Ride 

      O'Leary, M.; Mohd Khalid, A.; McMahon, K.
      Type: Blog
      Anouk Ride is WorldFish's social scientist based in the Solomon Islands. Ride's research focuses on human wellbeing and social security. Ride works at the intersection of conflict, gender and social inclusion in small-scale ...
    • In the spotlight: Kelvin Mashisia Shikuku 

      O'Leary, M.; McMahon, K.
      Type: Blog
      WorldFish scientist Kelvin Mashisia Shikuku sits down for a Q&A to discuss his research on scaling and disseminating aquaculture innovations to rural fish farmers.
    • The Role of Aquatic Foods in Sustainable Healthy Diets 

      Ahern, M.; Thilsted, S.H.; Oenema, S.; Barange, M.; Cartmill, M.K.; Brandstrup, S.C.; Doumeizel, V.; Dyer, N.; Frøyland, L.; Garrido-Gamarro, E.; Kühnhold, H.; Mohammed, E.; Penarubia, O.; Potin, P.; Sharan, S.; Utheim, A.; Uyar, B.; Vannuccini, S.; Ward, A.; Zhou, X.; Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted: 0000-0002-4041-1651
      Type: Working Paper
      Diverse aquatic foods – including animals, plants and microorganisms farmed in and harvested from water, as well as cell and plant-based foods emerging from new food technologies – have an essential role in ensuring food ...
    • Fish for Livelihoods Nutrition Update - November 

      Rizaldo, Q.; Quennie Rizaldo: 0000-0002-7958-2618
      Type: Newsletter
      The update in November features the adoption of integrated farming system among Fish for Livelihoods project farmers.
    • Fish for Livelihoods Nutrition Update - October 

      Rizaldo, Q.; Quennie Rizaldo: 0000-0002-7958-2618
      Type: Newsletter
      The update in October features the distribution of WASH facilities to Fish for Livelihoods project participants.
    • Pacific handbook for gender equity and social inclusion in coastal fisheries and aquaculture 

      Barclay, K.; Mangubhai, S.; Leduc, B.; Donato-Hunt, C.; Makhoul, N.; Kinch, J.; Kalsuak, J.
      Type: Manual
      This handbook is designed to give practical guidance on improving gender and social inclusion in coastal fisheries and aquaculture for staff working in fisheries agencies in Pacific Island countries and territories. It ...
    • Fish for Livelihoods Nutrition Update - June 

      Rizaldo, Q.; Quennie Rizaldo: 0000-0002-7958-2618
      Type: Newsletter
      The update in June features the training on good post-harvest practices to over 25 fresh fish vendors in Pekhon, Nyaung Shwe, Tarlay, Bhamo and Myitkyina (Shan and Kachin States). The aim of the training was to enhance ...
    • Fish for Livelihoods Nutrition Update - January 

      Rizaldo, Q.; Quennie Rizaldo: 0000-0002-7958-2618
      Type: Newsletter
      The update in January features the story of farmer adopting to carp mola polyculture systems; from pond to nutritious plate- a story from the field
    • Fish for Livelihoods Nutrition Update - December 

      Rizaldo, Q.; Quennie Rizaldo: 0000-0002-7958-2618
      Type: Newsletter
      The update in December features the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance (SUN CSA) general assembly in Myanmar. The 3-day online event participated by UN organizations, INGOs, LNGOs, CBOs and selected donors.
    • AllocateMate: An R package for mate allocation 

      Hamilton, M.G.; Matthew Gray Hamilton: 0000-0001-8098-8845
      Type: Report
      WorldFish manages multiple family-based genetic improvement programs for tilapia and carp species (Charo-Karisa et al., 2020; Hamilton et al., 2019a; Hamilton et al., 2019b; Hamilton et al., 2021; Hamzah et al., 2014). ...
    • Extension manual on quality low-cost fish feed formulation and production 

      Fregene, B.T.; Yossa, R.; Karisa, H.C.; Olaniyi, A.A.; Bolorunduro, P.; Rodrigue Yossa: 0000-0003-4792-0173; Harrison Charo Karisa: 0000-0001-5323-794X
      Type: Manual
      The TAAT Aquaculture compact has noted that fish farmers in Africa are confronted with many challenges in producing good quality feed. These include lack of access to quality feed ingredients, low skills of fish farmers ...
    • Pilot rice-fish plot in Kengtung proves profitable - Myanmar language version 

      Griffiths, D.; Khin, M.; Win, N.M. (2021)
      Type: Blog
      Success story on the piloting of rice-fish production in Kengtung Township, Eastern Shan State, Myanmar.
    • Pilot rice-fish plot in Kengtung proves profitable - English language version 

      Griffiths, D.; Win, N.M. (2021)
      Type: Blog
      Success story on the piloting of rice-fish production in Kengtung Township, Shan State, Myanmar.
    • Nutrition Leaflet 

      Shahin, S.A. (2021)
      Type: Brochure
      The brochure will be used by front line health workers to do counselling. It consists of information like- what is dietary diversity and balanced diet and its importance; nutrition, care and dietary diversity of women and ...
    • Nutrition Festoon 

      Shahin, S.A.
      Type: Poster
      Nutrition Festoon will be used by the local service providers to train the fish farmers. This material contains information on- what is dietary diversity, how to ensure diversified food for the family, minimum dietary ...
    • Pond Aquaculture and Dike Cropping 

      Zahura, I.
      Type: Brochure
      This is a leaflet on pond aquaculture and dike cropping, This product will be supplied to the farmer through the LSPs . Following this leaflet farmer will be able to manage their pond properly and will have a good production.
    • Pre-Stocking Festoon (Revised) 

      Zahura, I.; Islam, M. (2021)
      Type: Training Material
      This training tool covered the content of pond preparation. It is a pictorial material with the key information about the different steps of pond preparation for aquaculture. It will be used in pre stocking management ...