Now showing items 1181-1200 of 5630

    • The FISH Newsletter 

      O'Leary, M.; Huso, D.; Doina Huso: 0000-0002-4477-2593
      Type: Newsletter
      A curated collection of stories, publications, campaigns, and events stemming from FISH's research and innovations work for the first quarter of 2021.
    • Cookbook celebrates aquatic foods for life and livelihoods in Timor-Leste 

      O'Leary, M.; McMahon, K.
      Type: Blog
      A new cookbook celebrates aquatic foods and their traditional cooking methods in Timor-Leste. Aquatic foods have the potential to improve health and nutrition in the country and support rural livelihoods.
    • Equitable digital tools can boost small-scale fisher livelihoods 

      O'Leary, M.; McMahon, K. (2021)
      Type: Blog
      In low- and middle-income countries, ICTs can be used to assist small-scale fishers and fish workers, but illiteracy and unreliable internet connectivity need to be addressed to ensure marginalised fishers are not left behind.
    • COVID-19 impact on aquatic food systems reveals insights for future resilience 

      O'Leary, M.; McMahon, K.
      Type: Blog
      The onset of COVID-19 disrupted food value chains and reversed years of progress on key development indicators. The pandemic induced shocks to food systems globally, but particularly impacted value chains in food insecure ...
    • Beyond social-ecological traps: Pathways to a sustainable future 

      Eriksson, H.; Hampus Eriksson: 0000-0003-1199-6889
      Type: Blog
      In development and resilience research, the metaphor of a ‘trap’ is commonly employed to convey the rigidity that can be associated with complex systems. In practical meaning, and in their mechanical workings, traps are ...
    • African women join forces to overcome COVID-19 challenges in aquatic food systems 

      O'Leary, M.
      Type: Blog
      Across Africa, women working in aquatic food value chains are banding together to support their livelihoods and ensure the continued flow of fish despite COVID-19 lockdowns and disruptions.
    • Gender assumptions harm progress on climate adaption and resilience, new study finds 

      O'Leary, M.
      Type: Blog
      Outdated assumptions around gender continue to hinder effective and fair policymaking and action for climate mitigation and adaptation, a new study published in Nature Climate Change has found.
    • Zambian aquaculture provides new opportunities for youth 

      O'Leary, M.; McMahon, K. (2021)
      Type: Blog
      Zambia’s emerging aquaculture sector is set to be a key supplier of fish and other aquatic foods in sub-Saharan Africa. The sector already employs approximately 13,000 people. Its growth presents an economic opportunity ...
    • Inland fisheries critical for nourishing young children in sub-Saharan Africa, study reveals 

      O'Leary, M.; McMahon, K.
      Type: Blog
      Inland fisheries are critical to supplying children with the nutritious, diverse diets required for cognitive development in rural sub-Saharan households, a new WorldFish research publication revealed.
    • Recirculating Aquaculture Is Possible without Major Energy Tradeoff: Life Cycle Assessment of Warmwater Fish Farming in Sweden 

      Bergman, K.; Henriksson, P.J.; Hornborg, S.; Troell M. ; Borthwick, L.; Jonell, M.; Philis, G.; Ziegler, F.; Patrik John Gustav Henriksson: 0000-0002-3439-623X
      Type: Journal Article
      Seafood is seen as promising for more sustainable diets. The increasing production in land-based closed Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RASs) has overcome many local environmental challenges with traditional open net-pen ...
    • Innovation Platform Concept Paper 

      Mudege, N.; Mwema, C.M.; Netsayi Mudege: 0000-0002-0389-1967; Catherine Mawia Mwema: 0000-0001-8015-5747
      Type: Manual
      The GIZ-funded piloting inclusive business models project seeks to set up an innovation platform with private and public actors to determine the various opportunities to support and supply inputs and services to local ...
    • Business plan training in Zambia 

      Mwema, C.M.; Catherine Mawia Mwema: 0000-0001-8015-5747
      Type: Manual
      Piloting inclusive business and entrepreneurial models project funded by GIZ, recruited 30 hatchery operators and 10 feed operators to supply seed and feed in Northern and Luapula provinces of Zambia. The need, therefore, ...
    • Aquatic food systems under COVID-19 

      Poulain, F.; Belton, B.
      Type: Brief
      The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic on 11 March 2020 (WHO, 2020a). This declaration prompted emergency measures across the globe to contain the spread of the disease. Taken as a whole, the ...
    • Climate risk management practices of fish and shrimp farmers in the Mekong Region 

      Lebel, L.; Jutagate, T.; Phuong, N.; Akester, M.J.; Rangsiwiwat, A.; Lebel, P.; Phousavanh, P.; Navy, H.; Khin, M.; Lebel, B.; Michael Joseph Akester: 0000-0001-6526-1613
      Type: Journal Article
      As comparative multi-country studies are rare, not much is known about the effects of regional differences in social-ecological conditions on the adoption of climate risk management practices in aquaculture. This study is ...
    • Enhanced Coastal Fisheries in Bangladesh II 

      Abdul, W.M. (2021)
      Type: Brief
      Enhanced Coastal Fisheries in Bangladesh II (ECOFISH II) is a 5-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Jointly implemented by WorldFish and the Department of Fisheries (DOF), ...
    • Sustainable and accessible fish feeds for small-scale fish farmers 

      Verdegem, M.; Yossa, R.; Chary, K.; Schrama, J.W.; Beveridge, M.; Marwaha, N.; Marc Verdegem: 0000-0002-2058-3894; Rodrigue Yossa: 0000-0003-4792-0173; Nisha Marwaha: 0000-0001-9822-4085 (2021)
      Type: Brief
      Improving feed accessibility for small-scale fish farmers is crucial to the inclusive growth of aquaculture. “Nutritious pond feeds” nourish the farmed fish and the pond organisms that help break down fish wastes and produce ...
    • The contribution of small-scale artisanal fisheries and aquaculture to food systems 

      Pita, C.
      Type: Poster
      Small-scale fisheries and aquaculture value chains are important for the livelihoods of coastal communities worldwide.
    • Youth in small-scale fisheries and aquaculture 

      Fry, C.; Arulingam, I.; Nigussie, L.; Senaratna Sellamuttu, S.; Beveridge, M.; Marwaha, N.; Indika Arulingam: 0000-0002-6995-238X; Likimyelesh Nigussie: 0000-0002-6380-743X; Nisha Marwaha: 0000-0001-9822-4085 (2021)
      Type: Brief
      Youth is considered to be the transition period between childhood and adulthood, and as such encompasses a diverse group of individuals. Differences in gender, caste, class, sexuality and ability influence livelihood ...
    • Improved access to information on market and SSA technologies (BMPs) 

      Karim, M.; Oo, K.; Khaing, K.; Win, N.M.; Rizaldo, Q.; Manjurul Karim: 0000-0003-4280-3568; Quennie Rizaldo: 0000-0002-7958-2618
      Type: Manual
      This manual is to assist in strengthening the skills, knowledge and attitudes of Small-Scale Aquaculture (SSA) household members with improved access to information on market and SSA technologies (BMPs) in Eastern and ...
    • Facilitator guide: Good post-harvest practices for fresh fish trading - Big Shan language version 

      Moineau, S.; Win, N.M.; Griffiths, D.; Rizaldo, Q.; Quennie Rizaldo: 0000-0002-7958-2618
      Type: Training Material
      Facilitator guide in Big Shan language for peer to peer training on Good post-harvest practices for fresh fish trading